Transcript: UCA1:44

Basic information

LNCipedia transcript ID: UCA1:44 
HGNC Gene Symbol: UCA1    
HGNC Full Gene Name: urothelial cancer associated 1
Ensembl Gene ID: ENSG00000214049
Ensembl Transcript ID: ENST00000644502
Location (hg38): chr19:15829098-15834951
Strand: +
Class: intergenic
Sequence Ontology term: lincRNA
Transcript size: 855 bp
Exons: 4
Sources: Ensembl release 92 - Apr 2018
Alternative transcript names: ENST00000644502.1
Alternative gene names: ENSG00000214049.7; UCA1

RNA sequence:


Protein coding potential

Metric Raw result Interpretation
PRIDE reprocessing 2.0 0 non-coding 
Lee translation initiation sites non-coding 
PhyloCSF score 20.1997 non-coding 
CPAT coding probability 16.91% non-coding 
Bazzini small ORFs 0 non-coding 

In stringent set: yes

Locus conservation

Locus conservation?
UCA1:44 no no no no

Available literature

  1. Xiao (2017), lncRNA UCA1 Contributes to Imatinib Resistance by Acting as a ceRNA Against miR-16 in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells., DNA Cell Biol.
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  4. Li (2016), SET1A Cooperates With CUDR to Promote Liver Cancer Growth and Hepatocyte-like Stem Cell Malignant Transformation Epigenetically., Mol. Ther.
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  10. Chen (2015), Constructing lncRNA functional similarity network based on lncRNA-disease associations and disease semantic similarity., Sci Rep
  11. Chen (2015), Macrophage infiltration promotes invasiveness of breast cancer cells via activating long non-coding RNA UCA1., Int J Clin Exp Pathol
  12. Cheng (2015), Long non-coding RNA UCA1 induces non-T790M acquired resistance to EGFR-TKIs by activating the AKT/mTOR pathway in EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer., Oncotarget
  13. Dong (2015), Circulating CUDR, LSINCT-5 and PTENP1 long noncoding RNAs in sera distinguish patients with gastric cancer from healthy controls., Int. J. Cancer
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  16. Gu (2015), LncRNA expression profile reveals the potential role of lncRNAs in gastric carcinogenesis., Cancer Biomark
  17. Gui (2015), Long Noncoding RNA CUDR Regulates HULC and β-Catenin to Govern Human Liver Stem Cell Malignant Differentiation., Mol. Ther.
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  19. Hughes (2015), C/EBPα-p30 protein induces expression of the oncogenic long non-coding RNA UCA1 in acute myeloid leukemia., Oncotarget
  20. Imam (2015), The lncRNA NRON modulates HIV-1 replication in a NFAT-dependent manner and is differentially regulated by early and late viral proteins., Sci Rep
  21. Jiang (2015), Novel insights into a treatment for aplastic anemia based on the advanced proliferation of bone marrow‑derived mesenchymal stem cells induced by fibroblast growth factor 1., Mol Med Rep
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  24. Liu (2015), Long non coding RNA-UCA1 contributes to cardiomyocyte apoptosis by suppression of p27 expression., Cell. Physiol. Biochem.
  25. Na (2015), Long non-coding RNA UCA1 contributes to the progression of prostate cancer and regulates proliferation through KLF4-KRT6/13 signaling pathway., Int J Clin Exp Med
  26. Ni (2015), Increased urothelial cancer associated 1 is associated with tumor proliferation and metastasis and predicts poor prognosis in colorectal cancer., Int. J. Oncol.
  27. Pei (2015), Notch-1 promotes breast cancer cells proliferation by regulating LncRNA GAS5., Int J Clin Exp Med
  28. Pu (2015), CUDR promotes liver cancer stem cell growth through upregulating TERT and C-Myc., Oncotarget
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  32. Silva (2015), The Clinical Relevance of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Cancer., Cancers (Basel)
  33. Tantai (2015), Combined identification of long non-coding RNA XIST and HIF1A-AS1 in serum as an effective screening for non-small cell lung cancer., Int J Clin Exp Pathol
  34. Tuo (2015), Long noncoding RNA UCA1 modulates breast cancer cell growth and apoptosis through decreasing tumor suppressive miR-143., Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
  35. Wang (2015), Upregulated lncRNA-UCA1 contributes to progression of hepatocellular carcinoma through inhibition of miR-216b and activation of FGFR1/ERK signaling pathway., Oncotarget
  36. Wang (2015), Involvement of SRPK1 in cisplatin resistance related to long non-coding RNA UCA1 in human ovarian cancer cells., Neoplasma
  37. Wang (2015), Involvement of SRPK1 in cisplatin resistance related to long non-coding RNA UCA1 in human ovarian cancer cells., Neoplasma
  38. Wang (2015), Multidrug-Resistance Related Long Non-Coding RNA Expression Profile Analysis of Gastric Cancer., PLoS ONE
  39. Wang (2015), Upregulated lncRNA-UCA1 contributes to progression of lung cancer and is closely related to clinical diagnosis as a predictive biomarker in plasma., Int J Clin Exp Med
  40. Wang (2015), Expression of long non-coding RNA ZEB1-AS1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and its correlation with tumor progression and patient survival., Int J Clin Exp Pathol
  41. Wang (2015), Serum LncRNAs Profiles Serve as Novel Potential Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of HBV-Positive Hepatocellular Carcinoma., PLoS ONE
  42. Wei (2015), Transcriptome profiling of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma reveals a long noncoding RNA acting as a tumor suppressor., Oncotarget
  43. Xue (2015), Decreased expression of long non-coding RNA NBAT-1 is associated with poor prognosis in patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma., Int J Clin Exp Pathol
  44. Zhang (2015), Cancer Specific Long Noncoding RNAs Show Differential Expression Patterns and Competing Endogenous RNA Potential in Hepatocellular Carcinoma., PLoS ONE
  45. Zhao (2015), Knockdown of a novel lincRNA AATBC suppresses proliferation and induces apoptosis in bladder cancer., Oncotarget
  46. Zheng (2015), Aberrant expression of UCA1 in gastric cancer and its clinical significance., Clin Transl Oncol
  47. Zhu (2015), Microarray analysis of Long non-coding RNA expression profiles in human gastric cells and tissues with Helicobacter pylori Infection., BMC Med Genomics
  48. Fan (2014), Long non-coding RNA UCA1 increases chemoresistance of bladder cancer cells by regulating Wnt signaling., FEBS J.
  49. Fang (2014), Increased expression of the long non-coding RNA UCA1 in tongue squamous cell carcinomas: a possible correlation with cancer metastasis., Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol
  50. Guo (2014), Integrated analysis of long noncoding RNAs and mRNAs reveals their potential roles in the pathogenesis of uterine leiomyomas., Oncotarget
  51. Han (2014), UCA1, a long non-coding RNA up-regulated in colorectal cancer influences cell proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle distribution., Pathology
  52. Hiemer (2014), The transcriptional regulators TAZ and YAP direct transforming growth factor β-induced tumorigenic phenotypes in breast cancer cells., J. Biol. Chem.
  53. Huang (2014), Long non-coding RNA UCA1 promotes breast tumor growth by suppression of p27 (Kip1)., Cell Death Dis
  54. Jiang (2014), A novel long non-coding RNA-ARA: adriamycin resistance-associated., Biochem. Pharmacol.
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  57. Li (2014), Long non-coding RNA UCA1 promotes glycolysis by upregulating hexokinase 2 through the mTOR-STAT3/microRNA143 pathway., Cancer Sci.
  58. Li (2014), Overexpression of long non-coding RNA UCA1 predicts a poor prognosis in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma., Int J Clin Exp Pathol
  59. Srivastava (2014), Appraisal of diagnostic ability of UCA1 as a biomarker of carcinoma of the urinary bladder., Tumour Biol.
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  61. Tian (2014), Potential roles of abnormally expressed long noncoding RNA UCA1 and Malat-1 in metastasis of melanoma., Melanoma Res.
  62. Wang (2014), Long non-coding RNA urothelial carcinoma associated 1 induces cell replication by inhibiting BRG1 in 5637 cells., Oncol. Rep.
  63. Wang (2014), Hsa-miR-1 downregulates long non-coding RNA urothelial cancer associated 1 in bladder cancer., Tumour Biol.
  64. Xue (2014), Upregulation of long non-coding RNA urothelial carcinoma associated 1 by CCAAT/enhancer binding protein α contributes to bladder cancer cell growth and reduced apoptosis., Oncol. Rep.
  65. Xue (2014), Urothelial carcinoma associated 1 is a hypoxia-inducible factor-1α-targeted long noncoding RNA that enhances hypoxic bladder cancer cell proliferation, migration, and invasion., Tumour Biol.
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  75. Wu (2013), Ets-2 regulates cell apoptosis via the Akt pathway, through the regulation of urothelial cancer associated 1, a long non-coding RNA, in bladder cancer cells., PLoS ONE
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  77. Wang (2012), Long non-coding RNA UCA1a(CUDR) promotes proliferation and tumorigenesis of bladder cancer., Int. J. Oncol.
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  80. Kaneko (2011), Gene expression profiling reveals upregulated UCA1 and BMF in gallbladder epithelia of children with pancreaticobiliary maljunction., J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr.
  81. Wang (2008), UCA1, a non-protein-coding RNA up-regulated in bladder carcinoma and embryo, influencing cell growth and promoting invasion., FEBS Lett.
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LNCipedia transcript ID history

LNCipedia version LNCipedia transcript ID
5.0 UCA1:44
5.1 UCA1:44
5.2 UCA1:44