Transcript: HOTTIP:4

Basic information

LNCipedia transcript ID: HOTTIP:4 
LNCipedia gene ID: HOTTIP
Location (hg38): chr7:27200421-27201687
Strand: +
Class: intergenic
Sequence Ontology term: lincRNA
Transcript size: 1166 bp
Exons: 2
Sources: Ensembl release 83 - Dec 2015; Ensembl release 87 - Dec 2016; Ensembl release 90 - Aug 2017
Alternative transcript names: ENST00000614457.1
Alternative gene names: ENSG00000243766.7; HOTTIP; HOXA-AS6; RP1-170O19.3; HOXA13-AS1

RNA sequence:


Protein coding potential

Metric Raw result Interpretation
PRIDE reprocessing 2.0 0 non-coding 
Lee translation initiation sites non-coding 
PhyloCSF score -176.5492 non-coding 
CPAT coding probability 1.37% non-coding 
Bazzini small ORFs 0 non-coding 

In stringent set: yes

Locus conservation

Locus conservation?
HOTTIP:4 no no no no

Available literature

  1. Lian (2016), The long noncoding RNA HOXA transcript at the distal tip promotes colorectal cancer growth partially via silencing of p21 expression., Tumour Biol.
  2. Carlson (2015), LncRNA-HIT Functions as an Epigenetic Regulator of Chondrogenesis through Its Recruitment of p100/CBP Complexes., PLoS Genet.
  3. Chen (2015), Predicting lncRNA-disease associations and constructing lncRNA functional similarity network based on the information of miRNA., Sci Rep
  4. Cheng (2015), The long non-coding RNA HOTTIP enhances pancreatic cancer cell proliferation, survival and migration., Oncotarget
  5. Deng (2015), Long non-coding RNA HOTTIP promotes tumor growth and inhibits cell apoptosis in lung cancer., Cell. Mol. Biol. (Noisy-le-grand)
  6. Díaz-Beyá (2015), The lincRNA HOTAIRM1, located in the HOXA genomic region, is expressed in acute myeloid leukemia, impacts prognosis in patients in the intermediate-risk cytogenetic category, and is associated with a distinctive microRNA signature., Oncotarget
  7. Ge (2015), MiRNA-192 [corrected] and miRNA-204 Directly Suppress lncRNA HOTTIP and Interrupt GLS1-Mediated Glutaminolysis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma., PLoS Genet.
  8. Huang (2015), HBx-related long non-coding RNA DBH-AS1 promotes cell proliferation and survival by activating MAPK signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma., Oncotarget
  9. Ji (2015), LINC00152 promotes proliferation in hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting EpCAM via the mTOR signaling pathway., Oncotarget
  10. Konermann (2015), Genome-scale transcriptional activation by an engineered CRISPR-Cas9 complex., Nature
  11. Li (2015), The long non-coding RNA HOTTIP promotes progression and gemcitabine resistance by regulating HOXA13 in pancreatic cancer., J Transl Med
  12. Li (2015), Long non-coding RNA HOTTIP is up-regulated and associated with poor prognosis in patients with osteosarcoma., Int J Clin Exp Pathol
  13. Lü (2015), Downregulation of miR-320a/383-sponge-like long non-coding RNA NLC1-C (narcolepsy candidate-region 1 genes) is associated with male infertility and promotes testicular embryonal carcinoma cell proliferation., Cell Death Dis
  14. Nie (2015), Long noncoding RNA ANRIL promotes non-small cell lung cancer cell proliferation and inhibits apoptosis by silencing KLF2 and P21 expression., Mol. Cancer Ther.
  15. Ren (2015), Association of long non-coding RNA HOTTIP with progression and prognosis in colorectal cancer., Int J Clin Exp Pathol
  16. Richards (2015), A functional variant in HOXA11-AS, a novel long non-coding RNA, inhibits the oncogenic phenotype of epithelial ovarian cancer., Oncotarget
  17. Smolle (2015), Long Non-Coding RNAs in Endometrial Carcinoma., Int J Mol Sci
  18. Tsang (2015), Long non-coding RNA HOTTIP is frequently up-regulated in hepatocellular carcinoma and is targeted by tumour suppressive miR-125b., Liver Int.
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  20. Wongtrakoongate (2015), Association of the Long Non-coding RNA Steroid Receptor RNA Activator (SRA) with TrxG and PRC2 Complexes., PLoS Genet.
  21. Xiao (2015), Long Noncoding RNA ADINR Regulates Adipogenesis by Transcriptionally Activating C/EBPα., Stem Cell Reports
  22. Xie (2015), Long none coding RNA HOTTIP/HOXA13 act as synergistic role by decreasing cell migration and proliferation in Hirschsprung disease., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.
  23. Yang (2015), LincRNA-p21 activates endoplasmic reticulum stress and inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma., Oncotarget
  24. Zhang (2015), Long non-coding RNA HOTTIP is correlated with progression and prognosis in tongue squamous cell carcinoma., Tumour Biol.
  25. Chi (2014), Role of BC040587 as a predictor of poor outcome in breast cancer., Cancer Cell Int.
  26. Collier (2014), Regulation of the Th1 genomic locus from Ifng through Tmevpg1 by T-bet., J. Immunol.
  27. Ding (2014), Expression and clinical significance of the long non-coding RNA PVT1 in human gastric cancer., Onco Targets Ther
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  29. Li (2014), Decoding the noncoding: prospective of lncRNA-mediated innate immune regulation., RNA Biol
  30. Ounzain (2014), Functional importance of cardiac enhancer-associated noncoding RNAs in heart development and disease., J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol.
  31. Quagliata (2014), Long noncoding RNA HOTTIP/HOXA13 expression is associated with disease progression and predicts outcome in hepatocellular carcinoma patients., Hepatology
  32. Quinn (2014), Revealing long noncoding RNA architecture and functions using domain-specific chromatin isolation by RNA purification., Nat. Biotechnol.
  33. Quinodoz (2014), Long noncoding RNAs: an emerging link between gene regulation and nuclear organization., Trends Cell Biol.
  34. Xu (2014), Long non-coding RNA URHC regulates cell proliferation and apoptosis via ZAK through the ERK/MAPK signaling pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma., Int. J. Biol. Sci.
  35. Yang (2014), Essential role of lncRNA binding for WDR5 maintenance of active chromatin and embryonic stem cell pluripotency., Elife
  36. You (2014), MicroRNA-449a inhibits cell growth in lung cancer and regulates long noncoding RNA nuclear enriched abundant transcript 1., Indian J Cancer
  37. Batagov (2013), Role of genomic architecture in the expression dynamics of long noncoding RNAs during differentiation of human neuroblastoma cells., BMC Syst Biol
  38. Du (2013), Integrative genomic analyses reveal clinically relevant long noncoding RNAs in human cancer., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.
  39. Hangauer (2013), Pervasive transcription of the human genome produces thousands of previously unidentified long intergenic noncoding RNAs., PLoS Genet.
  40. Kim (2013), HOTAIR is a negative prognostic factor and exhibits pro-oncogenic activity in pancreatic cancer., Oncogene
  41. Kim (2013), Two non-coding RNAs, MicroRNA-101 and HOTTIP contribute cartilage integrity by epigenetic and homeotic regulation of integrin-α1., Cell. Signal.
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  43. Matsui (2013), Promoter RNA links transcriptional regulation of inflammatory pathway genes., Nucleic Acids Res.
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  45. Niemczyk (2013), Imprinted chromatin around DIRAS3 regulates alternative splicing of GNG12-AS1, a long noncoding RNA., Am. J. Hum. Genet.
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  53. Vizoso (2012), The activatory long non-coding RNA DBE-T reveals the epigenetic etiology of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy., Cell Res.
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LNCipedia transcript ID history

LNCipedia version LNCipedia transcript ID
4.0 HOTTIP:4
4.1 HOTTIP:4
5.0 HOTTIP:4
5.1 HOTTIP:4
5.2 HOTTIP:4